When We Meet
Sunday Service
9:30 am
Sunday Bible Study
11:00 am
Worship: 9:30 am
Generational Bible Studies: 11:00 am
Generational Bible Studies: 11:00 am
Men's Bible Study: 7:00 pm
Ladies Afternoon Bible Study: 1:00 pm
Student Ministry 7th-12th grade: 7:00 pm
Children's Ministry 1st-6th grade: 7:00 pm
Children's Ministry 1st-6th grade: 7:00 pm
Bodybuilder small groups meet throughout the week.
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 75 minutes. As you enter into the building through either the front or side entrances you will be greeted by our hospitality team and given a bulletin. Find a seat where you are comfortable in the Worship Center and be prepared to be greeted by our friendly members. We also offer during the service nursery, preschool, and elementary ministries for your children.
What To Wear
The dress is casual. You will see some men in dress shirts and dress pants to some in jeans and a t-shirt. Some ladies wear dresses while others are in jeans.
What About The Kids
During the worship service the Nursery, Preschool, and Children’s ministries have specially designed worship experiences for your children. When you arrive, one of the hospitality team members will help lead you where to go. Grades 7th-12th worship with the adults during the service.